Mobilization of materials and equipment is about to begin on the pipe installation portion of the project. Storm sewer pipe deliveries will begin tomorrow, Friday, May 28, along Grimes Road. Additional equipment and materials are scheduled to be delivered and staged next week, Tuesday, June 1, to Friday, June 4. Installation of soil erosion and sedimentation control measures will also take place during this time. Equipment and materials may also be staged and stored at the northeast corner of Dexter Trail and Grimes Road.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Terry Belill at (989) 996-5228.


Preliminary easement clearing work came to a close last week as crews on-site cleaned up fallen trees and debris. Logs were removed, stacked for storage, or coordinated with landowners as Jackson Dirt Works prepares to start excavation work around the 5th of May, 2021. Disturbed areas caused by tree clearing activities will be monitored and addressed as work progresses.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Terry Belill, Inspector, 989-996-5228.


Maintenance tree clearing of the Drain easement along portions of the Bauer Drain channel and relocation route are complete. Cleanup efforts will continue during the week of April 26, 2021 to remove tree debris and stack logs.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Terry Belill, Inspector, (989) 996-5228.